New Petrol Station
Victoria North 10th Petrol Station
First Ever 24-Hour Petrol Station,Victoria North, to open on April 15th
14 April 2019- The Seychelles Petroleum Company LTD (SEYPEC) has announced that the new Victoria North Petrol Station at Ile Du Port will start operations tomorrow Monday 15th April 2019, as from 07.00hrs offering a daily 24-hour service.
The station will offer the usual essential services for gasoil and motor gasoline, LPG cylinders, lubricants and a service bay. Motorists and other users will also benefit from the convenience of a larger service shop which will soon be available once set up is completed.
Customers will also be able to effect payment by bank card, a new facility recently launched to enhance service delivery at all stations.
In order to speed up the launch of the operations, SEYPEC sought approval to finance the construction of a temporary access road to the station while the permanent road is awaiting completion.
Meanwhile, motorists are informed that the entrance to Victoria North is on the left whilst heading towards Kenneth House at Ile Du Port. To exit the station, motorists are requested to keep to their left until the round-about and thereafter take the lane to their respective destination. This also applies to motorists heading towards Anse Etoile or Ile Perseverance.
This new project will contribute to considerably ease the traffic congestion around the Victoria South Station and to allow users in the North, as well as in the Perseverance region, to secure a closer outlet for their energy products.
Once the permanent road is completed, this new facility will innovate by offering an LPG refilling service, which will allow for the filling up of gas on site, a service which is only possible up to now at the SEYPEC depot.
SEYPEC currently owns nine petrol stations on government leasehold property across the country which are franchised to petrol station operators under an Operator Agreement, except for Baie Lazare which is a privately owned service station selling SEYPEC products. Six of these stations are on Mahé while two are on Praslin and one on la Digue.
The operator for the new Victoria North Service Station is Trinity Investments Limited.